-October 29th, 2019-
The hip is the biggest joint in the body and therefore the most important. It is a joint that we want to be mobile as tight hips is what leads to a sore back or tight hamstrings/groin.
Most athletes present in what’s called Anterior Pelvic Tilt.
As you can see from the image on the right it is not good for posture.
It’s also the cause of tight hamstrings. When the pelvis tilts forward, the hamstrings, which are connected on the posterior side of the pelvis, are stretched.
So most people feel their hamstrings are tight and immediately want to stretch them. If it’s due to Anterior Pelvic Tilt that’s wrong because you are stretching a muscle that is already stretched to it’s limit.
It’s more important to reset that posture to take pressure off the hamstrings.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt occures because the Adductor (groin muscles) are in a battle with the lower abdominals for Pelvic position. Since most have weaker abdominals and very tight adductors, the pelvis gets rotated forward.
So here are 3 stretches you can do to start every workout/game/practice to help reset posture, take the tightness out of your hamstrings, and have your hips feel more mobile.
Split Stance Hip Flexion/Extension
We start with this exercise to get a stretch in the Adductors when the hips are flexed (butt back to foot) and the hips are extended (hips pushed forward).
We perform 5-6 reps on each side, trying to have our knee on the ground as far apart from our other foot on the ground as we can.
Half Kneeling Lateral Dips
We want to start this exercise with our body square, so we do not turn to look at our leg that is up. Again this is 5-6 reps each side.
Now we are stretching the Adductors with our hip externally rotated. Start tall then dip towards the leg is up.
Some may find it tough to even get into this position properly without dipping.
Frog Stretch
Start with both your knees and feet wide, then sit your butt back (hip flexion) as far as you can. It WILL get uncomfortable.
Then relax and extend your hips forward, even thinking pulling your pelvis up to your ribs.
Try these 3 stretches out regularly for awhile and see how much better your hamstrings and hips feel. You’d be surprised at how much better you’ll move in a game/practice when you aren’t battling tight hips and hamstrings.
Tags: flexibility, injury prevention, injury reduction, lacrosse training, mobility
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