-November 26th, 2011-
Here’s a video from the University of Notre Dame that shows their facilities and how they organize and structure their strength and conditioning program for the lacrosse team.
[youtube rEA4_IzRl1k nolink]
I hope it’s an eye opener to a lot of high school kids. There is no more being lazy in the weight room. No more skipping workouts cause you are naturally more skilled than everyone else on your team. You HAVE to show up.
When you arrive on campus to play college lacrosse, you’re going to have to work hard to earn every minute of playing time. It’s in your best interest to show up in shape already and impress the coaches, instead of playing catch up to the older players every year of your college career.
Tags: NCAA Lacrosse, Notre Dame Lacrosse, Notre Dame Lacrosse Strength and Conditioning
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