-January 29th, 2012-
This guys a beauty! A true class act.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with ‘Mania’ for a few years now, and he never ceases to amaze.
Joe was interviewed today on the Fan590, a sports radio station here in Toronto and was great. Some of the topics covered were his grandfather (a former CFL’er), his scholarship to Georgetown, Team Canada U-19’s, and my favorite part St. Mike’s.
Listen to this interview (Joe’s interview starts about 1/4 the way in, after a commercial break). This kid has his head on straight, I was very impressed with the thought process behind his decisions.
I wish more teenagers in this world sounded like this!
Here are some previous links to Joe’s stuff:
P.S. To get an idea of what kind of Strength Program Joe followed to prepare for Team Canada U-19’s enter your email on the right of the page and get a similar program that Dan Dawson 2009 NLL MVP did to prepare for the 2011 season!
Tags: Georgetown, joe french, St Michaels College, team canada
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