-June 8th, 2012-
Yesterday I found an article on training titled ‘Young Athletes and Bootcamp Don’t Mix‘ and can’t believe I missed it prior to now.
It was posted last week and unfortunately I think many people who need to hear this advice missed it also.
It’s a bit long, but a great read for all parents of young lacrosse players and extremely important information.
And actually, I think it’s important for many pro or potential pro players to read as well and really try to understand how it relates to their training.
It is by Mike Mejia, a great and respected Strength Coach and was posted on IL Gear last week.
To Summarize a bit:
- One of the hottest trends in training (and lacrosse specifically now) is large group Bootcamp type training that focuses more on Quantity of work than Quality of work
- When focusing on Quantity of work, form is sure to breakdown leading to higher risk of injury
- Doing high reps of explosive exercises is actually detrimental to gaining more power as the speed of the bar or height of your jumps will decline with each rep
- High Quantity of the same movements leads to over use injuries
The article is a must read!
A bit of a spoiler alert: If after reading the article you can’t figure out what he really means by ‘Bootcamp’ classes….it’s CROSSFIT!
Read the full article for yourself: Unhappy Campers: Young Athletes and Bootcamps Don’t Mix
Tags: crossfit, IL Gear, mike mejia
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